Learning To Code with AI Series – Episode 1

Learning to Code with AI

Series – Episode 1: Generating Complex Code Structures with PowerShell Automation


Hello everyone, it’s Andy from theITapprentice.com. Today we’re diving into a game-changing approach for setting up your code and projects. Whether you’re working on Python, JavaScript, or any other language, you can use PowerShell and AI to create your project files and folders quickly.

Generating Detailed Code Structures in ChatGPT

Blank Template Prompt for Code Generation

For PowerShell to create a more detailed code structure, fill out our template, then paste it back into ChatGPT. This will generate a code structure more in line with your project.

Title: Write me a detailed code structure
Code Language: [Specify the programming language]
Libraries/Frameworks to Use: [List any specific libraries or frameworks]
Application Purpose: [Briefly describe the purpose of the application]

Additional Details:
- Include a modular and extensive file and folder structure.
- Specify components for different functionalities (e.g., models, utilities, GUI, automation logic).
- Indicate any specific design patterns or architectural styles to be used (e.g., MVC, Factory Method).
- Mention any specific features or tasks the application should perform.

Our Pre-Filled Template + Explanation

Here’s a template that I filled out for a project that I’ve been working on lately for a Selenium web bot. I’ve specified fields such as libraries and frameworks to use and, most specifically, the purpose, which is what ChatGPT will use to understand what you need and generate your code structure.

Title: Write me a detailed code structure for a Python Flask and Selenium Web Bot

Code Language: Python
Libraries/Frameworks to Use: Flask, Selenium

Application Purpose: Create a web bot which interacts with a social media site to automate tasks to boost our own page following, e.g., like pages and posts

Additional Details:
- Include a modular and extensive file and folder structure.
- Specify components for different functionalities such as models for data handling, utilities for common tasks, GUI elements for user interaction, and automation logic for Selenium interactions.
- Indicate the use of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern for organizing the application structure.
- The application should be able to perform tasks such as logging into the social media site, searching for specific pages or posts, and automating interactions like liking or commenting.

Explanation of My Prompt

  1. Modular File and Folder Structure: Organizing files and folders modularly ensures easy maintenance and scalability. It helps developers quickly locate and update specific parts of the application.
  2. Components for Different Functionalities: Separating components like models (data handling), utilities (helper functions), GUI (user interface), and automation logic enhances code readability and reusability.
  3. Design Patterns: Using design patterns like MVC (Model-View-Controller) and Factory Method promotes a clean separation of concerns and more maintainable code.
  4. Specific Features/Tasks: Incorporating specific functionalities provides practical examples of how the application interacts with webpages.

Using PowerShell: Efficiently Create Files and Folders

Once you’ve got a comprehensive code structure generated, it’s time to turn to PowerShell to create it. Here are some example prompts you can use:

“Generate a PowerShell script to create the specified file and folder structure at a given path.”

“Please create a script in PowerShell to set up the following project structure in the directory I specify.”

“I need a PowerShell script that reflects this code architecture in a specific folder path.”

“Can you generate a PowerShell command sequence to establish the given file system layout at my chosen location?”

My Text Prompt for PowerShell Template

Hi ChatGPT, I need a PowerShell script to set up a Python Flask and Selenium project for a social media bot. Here are the details:

1. Project Directory Structure:
- Main folder: social_media_bot
- Subfolders and files:
  - app/ with __init__.py, controllers/, models/, services/, static/, templates/, utilities/, views/
  - tests/ folder
  - Root-level files: config.py, requirements.txt, run.py

2. Key Components:
- Flask Application Setup in run.py
- Controllers in app/controllers/ with auth_controller.py and bot_controller.py
- Models in app/models/ with user.py and task.py
- Services in app/services/ with selenium_service.py and task_service.py
- Utilities in app/utilities/ with config.py and logger.py
- Views in app/views/ with login_view.py and dashboard_view.py
- HTML templates in app/templates/
- Static files in app/static/
- Test files in tests/

3. Sample Code Snippets:
- Flask Application Initialization in run.py
- Selenium Service in app/services/selenium_service.py

Could you generate a PowerShell script that creates this directory and file structure, and where applicable, inserts the provided sample code snippets into the correct files?

Outputted PowerShell Script

# Define the base directory
$baseDir = "social_media_bot"

# Define subdirectories
$subdirectories = @(

# Create subdirectories
foreach ($dir in $subdirectories) {
    $path = Join-Path $baseDir $dir
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $path

# Create root-level files
"config.py", "requirements.txt", "run.py" | ForEach-Object {
    New-Item -ItemType File -Force -Path (Join-Path $baseDir $_)

# Create app-level files
"__init__.py", "controllers\auth_controller.py", "controllers\bot_controller.py", "models\user.py", "models\task.py", "services\selenium_service.py", "services\task_service.py", "utilities\config.py", "utilities\logger.py", "views\login_view.py", "views\dashboard_view.py" | ForEach-Object {
    New-Item -ItemType File -Force -Path (Join-Path $baseDir "app\$($_)")

# Sample code
snippet for Flask Application Initialization in run.py
$runPyContent = @"
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(name)
Add your application initialization code here
if name == 'main':
Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $baseDir "run.py") -Value $runPyContent
Sample code snippet for Selenium Service in app/services/selenium_service.py
$seleniumServiceContent = @"
from selenium import webdriver
class SeleniumService:
def init(self):
# Initialize Selenium WebDriver here
# Add your Selenium related methods here
Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $baseDir "app\services\selenium_service.py") -Value $seleniumServiceContent
Placeholder for test files in tests/
New-Item -ItemType File -Force -Path (Join-Path $baseDir "tests\placeholder_test.py")

With this PowerShell script, you can quickly set up your project structure, complete with sample code snippets, saving you valuable time and effort!

Embrace the Power of AI and Automation

By harnessing the power of AI and automation tools like PowerShell, you can revolutionize your coding workflow. Generate comprehensive code structures, set up projects in a flash, and focus on what truly matters – bringing your ideas to life.

Remember, the key to mastering any skill is practice and experimentation. Don’t be afraid to explore, make mistakes, and learn from them. With each project, you’ll gain valuable experience and refine your abilities.

Start Your Coding Journey Today!

  1. Experiment with AI: Try out different AI tools and prompts to generate code structures tailored to your needs.
  2. Automate with PowerShell: Use PowerShell scripts to quickly set up project directories and files, saving valuable time.
  3. Learn and Grow: Embrace continuous learning, seek out new challenges, and never stop expanding your skills.

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Andy N

Information Technology Support Analyst with over seven years of experience (in the telecommunications and manufacturing industries) ranging from user support to administering and maintaining core IT systems.

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